Piece of Slovakia
Katarína Czikorová, Akadémia umení v Banskej Bystrici *koordinátor projektu
48° 46' 22" N — 19° 16' 54" E
The Jano chic project
The main theme of shown works is searching and losing of slovak identity. It is a visual play of slovak symbols which refer to traditional values of „slovak people“ and their connection with new contemporary influences and values. An important moment is the execution of slovak symbols itself. By its fresh visual form it moves the traditional treatment to a new level and thus they become attractive also nowadays.
The Jano chic is a part of more complex project. Jano chic refers to the slovak hero Jánošík.
This artwork has been found by Ivan Turcan, 01.01.1970 o 01:00
Hello, tak sranda, toto dielo som nasiel s rodinkou uplnou nahodou . totizto povodny zamer bol najst geocache ktora sa nachadza blizko Lupcianskeho hradu. to ale ze tam bude cache aj geo artu, tj paralelne prebiehajuca hra, tak toto som netusil dokial som nedosiel domov a nekukol na web :) akokolvek dielo sme s detmi nasli i ked sprvoti mysliac si ze je to geocaching a tak sme aj zalgovali pod geocaching nick name ballmici :) velmi pekne dakujeme za tricko a oznak. v prilohe fotocka z naleziska.